Am i gonna fail my exam ahaha=x.

Hi-Bye Friend,what is it?...they are those who talk to you when they are bored or just along the street somehow they know you they greet you back and bye...
sometime they will just randomly question you when they need something.
they are more like stranger who need help rather then FRIENDs which share joy and sorrows together :)..assist each other trust each other.
its also like they know you,they greet you but deep down their heart just want you to get lost,dont get close to me.
they most likely do things with you to gain for themself,they wont care about you.
Its hurtful.
Even more hurtful is when a close friend falls into the hi-bye category.
Strangers and Hi-Bye friend? they are alike somehow...will/will not greet each other
the difference?..Strangers you might not know them at all whereas hi-bye friend you know them but they dont bother.
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