Here's the list..

Far cry 2 ahahha...tried it..graphic dam shiok la gameplay quite real and nice 2

Fallout3 zooomgggg....waiting for proper dl for pc(=x oops)it sound very interesting on all review take drug zomg and overdose u die imba rite XD...

FABLE 2 OMG THIS GAME IS IMBA...bought it ald on my 360 but haven try yet..DAM...u grow up to be EVIL OR GOOD..if u eat 2 much u will turn fat zomg and ur facial and size change on how u play it..and ps:u get to marry,sex(shld i censorsed this?),give birth like in reality =O....theres even safe sex zomg lol..u will get disease like AIDs if u *ahem* 2much without using protection ahahha..u oso get to raise dogs they are same as reality 2 ~.~..dono got other pet ma..
Waiting List Game:

this currently my most wanted game list ba lololols....still got quite a few lazy upload mmorpg...Wrath of the lich king and Ragnorok 2...XD
Gadgets i wan:

Nintendo comes wif music player..CAMARA and better screen XD...and of coz maybe PS3 and PSP3000
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