2ORB LOL....circled there very clear it came from room 3 lololactual pic NO EDIT!! our 2 mafia in the front
DEN-O... Kruga is nice la ._.... dono wad gundam is this man lolol..actual product is dam nice la._.......ALL FROM ANIMEFESTIVAL =D...sry no take pic of thos cosplayer=x...
Friday, November 21, 2008
Steamboat ooo....EATEAT EAT =D....ps we morning also ate steamboat and grill lolols....... went into RED HOUSE dam good place to emo man LOL.....sry due to some circumstance photo is deleted maybe other time ba =x...kekekeke wan noe more detail and info of there pm me or msn me =D lols...
Thursday, November 20, 2008
offfff to chalet~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
good place to emo=x but if wif love 1 more better=x
Sunday, November 16, 2008
i juz disspear oso nbdy will care..xcept parents uhh...=)i can bet..
Saturday, November 15, 2008
DO U NOE THE FEELING OF BEEN REPLACED WITHOUT EVEN NOTICED?...without even telling u?...is fck up DO U LISTEN TO THAT REPLACED ONE STORY?...juz single sided only uhh go ahead let that guy suffered and u all hav fun..
Friday, November 14, 2008
y not juz make me disspear in this world...so other ppl get 1 less competitor to stay alive...more ppl get chance...more ppl get wad they want...more ppl.....................hais.......im juz 2 extra i means nothing to everybody........srsly life is simply a waste of time...y the f*** god send me here? to absorb all ppl sadness?? no happiness for me? thats nice man...banish me from heaven to get tortured huh...i cant really say tourtured=/...i can get all the daily accesory easily uhh..y bout those poor..hais...LIVE ON TO DO WAD...wad i wish alwayz nvr came true uhh or it does but not for my own things but for other ppl....life simply sucks for me...argh...everybody was born to hav an mission? thats Bullshit man...everybody is juz contributing more to global warming causing earth to explode soon..i really wonder wad will happen on December 21, 2012 when Mayan Calendar End..will that be doomsday?? i hope so..and i be juz no longer myself before that day...i shall contribute to the darkness=)...everybody wan peace and stop good vs evil?? thats simply easy when we all disspear in this world and there will be no fight simply nothing...juz peace=)...we cant just finish off the evil or good cause there will still hav some part of them if it thoroughly clean and left only good or evil the world is not balanced already..can u imagine that...a ppl rob u and latr on that robber kana rob by another 1 and so on...when theres no crime theres no police..and we lack 1more job ahahha...when everybody is kind and helpful..theres no more competition isnt that great and so there are no motivation to work towards ur dream as u can simply get it with a snap of ur finger..so wads with life...god send me to look how it goes? or is there really god? or we ownself is god? since we only used less then 10% of our brain we already know like almost everything..so if we used 100%? we rule? lmao rofl...... sry for the Long passge..oya i sry for wad..i don think ppl will come here and look at it =)...hahahahaha...in the end theres no single winner...everybody is a winner do does good and evil..we must co-exist..we cannot lose either of them...
srsly the world is rejecting me...great news huh....i shall juz stay in my darkness den....
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
MAMEEEEE ITZ 'O'VER.............now do wad =/ lols...
Monday, November 10, 2008
i shall juz stay in my lonely world ba...shrouded in the darkness fog....i will maybe nvr walk into the reality anymore.....im juz...........
Saturday, November 8, 2008
ra3.....gear of war2 all hav le =D...need buy xbox wireless adapter soon...2many limited ed game content nid dl lols... haii...im juz 2 scarry=x....i shldnt be care bout ppl dat much ba sighz...BC ah bC ahhh YYY1 =(. tue last paper~~~
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
woooooooooo 'O' can consider over le kekekekex.....MCQ on 11/11/08 tuesday!!!...