My existence is no different from Ghost.
Disregardable LiFe
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
Yea...Ages since i blog. But seriously Blog is just some place to dump all my feelings in here.
Confidence? EGo? You give the fullest to the person and the person dump it away. There goes everything you build up into the drain. Which you dont wish to try it again already.
Just like arcade machine We gave ourself each token and depend on our lucks we get it on the 1st try or after a few tries but to some unlucky ones we just end out using everything so whose gonna give us the extra token :)?
We waited and someone gave us the token which brighten our day, gave us hope and when the hope are high the downfall is great too. And there goes our life again and again.
Life is full of up and down indeed.
So a lonely guy with great asset in him,the cash,the career with love not on his side of cause he turns to a bastard flinging cash among those bitches having the taste of female touches till someone wakes him up. He wakes up accepting the fate and pursus the dream but rejected him in the end so do you think he will stand up again? hahs yea again a Bastard again. But his heart is still with that someone.With a snap of finger he will wakes up again and really hope god will bless his happiness.
But seriously whats love, you see fat ass, froggy people with flashy hot girls. they pay money to get them? yea some but not really there marriage of frog and princess though and of cause Prince and ugly duckling. And you look at yourself Am i more uglier that those people? why do the have and not me? Am i really that bad looking? but people said your better looking then that person! so looks is different in every people eyes some will feel your good looking well some narh. But thats alright we all shall wait for the chance to strike and let our destiny bring us together right :).
Female is the winner in love serious. Why? Girl get to chose guy as alot of guy will pursuit her win her heart.They get to chose.They have the winning chance of 100% as she is able to chose any to tied up her fate be it happiness or torture they are able to chose again but in limited age that is. Even the not so good looking one will be getting a desperate guy looking for love or holes.But for guys? we all chasing the same girl right hehe so our chance is 50% of getting her so the loser? some with high confidence they will find others but so wheres the love? see one love one? for those whole heartly love the girl one just dilly dally in the world. is that alright?. SIGH this is life.
Confidence? EGo? You give the fullest to the person and the person dump it away. There goes everything you build up into the drain. Which you dont wish to try it again already.
Just like arcade machine We gave ourself each token and depend on our lucks we get it on the 1st try or after a few tries but to some unlucky ones we just end out using everything so whose gonna give us the extra token :)?
We waited and someone gave us the token which brighten our day, gave us hope and when the hope are high the downfall is great too. And there goes our life again and again.
Life is full of up and down indeed.
So a lonely guy with great asset in him,the cash,the career with love not on his side of cause he turns to a bastard flinging cash among those bitches having the taste of female touches till someone wakes him up. He wakes up accepting the fate and pursus the dream but rejected him in the end so do you think he will stand up again? hahs yea again a Bastard again. But his heart is still with that someone.With a snap of finger he will wakes up again and really hope god will bless his happiness.
But seriously whats love, you see fat ass, froggy people with flashy hot girls. they pay money to get them? yea some but not really there marriage of frog and princess though and of cause Prince and ugly duckling. And you look at yourself Am i more uglier that those people? why do the have and not me? Am i really that bad looking? but people said your better looking then that person! so looks is different in every people eyes some will feel your good looking well some narh. But thats alright we all shall wait for the chance to strike and let our destiny bring us together right :).
Female is the winner in love serious. Why? Girl get to chose guy as alot of guy will pursuit her win her heart.They get to chose.They have the winning chance of 100% as she is able to chose any to tied up her fate be it happiness or torture they are able to chose again but in limited age that is. Even the not so good looking one will be getting a desperate guy looking for love or holes.But for guys? we all chasing the same girl right hehe so our chance is 50% of getting her so the loser? some with high confidence they will find others but so wheres the love? see one love one? for those whole heartly love the girl one just dilly dally in the world. is that alright?. SIGH this is life.
Monday, November 30, 2009
你总是又甜蜜 又很任性
我让着你 让到爱剩下情绪
我留在夜里 没从背后抱你
就护送你到这里 一路小心
我的心会用疼惜 牵挂你
你还年轻 你还迷信
你还年轻 你别迷信
你就像易碎品 让我担心
多希望你 能活得像梦境
所有坏情绪 有人过滤
多深爱你 也有人肯去证明
就护送你到这里 一路小心
有关你的事 我永远都在意
你还年轻 你还迷信
你还年轻 你别迷信
在爱情里别自作聪明 Babe
我会想你 我会担心
你还年轻 你还迷信
你还年轻 你别迷信
你还年轻 你还迷信
你还年轻 你还迷信
我多么希望 我能得到魔力
我让着你 让到爱剩下情绪
我留在夜里 没从背后抱你
就护送你到这里 一路小心
我的心会用疼惜 牵挂你
你还年轻 你还迷信
你还年轻 你别迷信
你就像易碎品 让我担心
多希望你 能活得像梦境
所有坏情绪 有人过滤
多深爱你 也有人肯去证明
就护送你到这里 一路小心
有关你的事 我永远都在意
你还年轻 你还迷信
你还年轻 你别迷信
在爱情里别自作聪明 Babe
我会想你 我会担心
你还年轻 你还迷信
你还年轻 你别迷信
你还年轻 你还迷信
你还年轻 你还迷信
我多么希望 我能得到魔力
Sunday, November 8, 2009
hee night is turning into a shade of cobalt
The chilly star studded sky is glimmering
There's no need for words of any sort
Rather than trying to uncover the truth concealed behind tears
I'm better off with baseless predictions
Sitting on the bench where the lights have already gone out
And gazing up
It was a shooting star with only idealities surfacing
Nee! Would someone enlighten me
If I were to live life as it is simply
I would gather all the miracles dispersed throughout the universe
And try overcoming them
All because these emotions which are pulsing throughout my body
Are dictating me
This wouldn't do
Am I right?
Being as decisive as cast dice
And not ever having regrets
I hope to move onward to the next destination
The rule book which was created uncertainly
Only timidity appeared later
I continue watching the backs of my rivals
As naked as the moonlight
Was a shooting star which strayed from a pure heart
Nee! Would someone enlighten me
To live life as it is simply
Innocence does not suffice
You can't escape from conflicts too
Those lessons which I have learnt time after time
Are definitely dictating me
What should I do
It's a lie isn't it?
Simply daydreaming
Will not get me anywhere
It also can't make me more pleasant
I wonder why?
... It's all too much
Nee! Would someone enlighten me
In order to live life as it is simply
I want to change even the toughest obstacles facing me into something humorous
And then laugh it off
Because there is no way to resolve it
It is buried within everyday life
That is why I wish to believe
Miracles do exist don't they?
Am I right?
Thursday, October 29, 2009
I seem to sink into the sound of the falling rain.
This promise is whose dream, who is this dream for?
I want to see all of you. I want to love all of you.
It's this way, isn't it?
When our hands are clutched together,
There is this unknown scent coming from the opposite one.
Although I can breathe normally, I seem to crumble eventually.
If you could love me deeper than just those words
I could believe only you standing before me.
In the suddenly showing past, the times we would touch,
Could not fill the fragile emptiness, floating on those tears.
Although I find comfort in this peace,
You, who are beside me, are breaking from my inside.
I want to see all of you. I want to love all of you.
The answer is drowning in a smile.
You don't love the everyday shadow, when it was lost.
We carry those bounds that I can't let disappear.
Even though I threw those words at you, if you could love me
I could believe only you, standing before me.
The suddenly shown past, hurts every time you touch me
I want to love you to my inner emptiness.
Because I won't let you notice how I wipe my tears
There is nothing else to laugh about in front of me.
It's not the two of us, concealing this means the [good bye]
How I wish it to be us together crying at this [farewell]
More than thinking back about it, I would like you to forget
And put me in this empty space.
Don't chase those long passed days.
Don't leave anything more than what's already left.
[At least…]
I hold onto this good bye, as I fall asleep
And the faint heat vanishes like tobacco.
The days that won't return, the person I loved
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Haunted place in japan
Atsugi Naval Base

Located two hours south of Tokyo, Atsugi Naval base has a secret past, which includes the fact that it was a CIA U-2 Base, which housed the U-2 flown over Russia by Gary Powers in the early 1960s. In 1957, Lee Harvey Oswald, the accused assassin of John F. Kennedy, was stationed at Atsugi as a Marine radar operator.
The spirit of a young man who wanders aimlessly from room to room is said to haunt the naval base. It is believed that he is the ghost of a young marine who was killed in a car accident back in the 1960s
Atsugi: The Corrosion Hangar Bay
Located on the other side of the naval base, this hangar stands over an older one that was used by the Kamikaze pilots of Imperial Japan. Here, many pilots killed themselves in disgrace after Japan’s final surrender to the allied powers.
It is said that doors slam and disembodied red eyes float about.
Field Hospital- Kanagawa Prefecture
Located on the military base named Sagami Depot, this hospital has been the site of several unexplainable occurrences.
The building is hardly used, but nightly security checks reveal raised windows and locked doors that had been previously unlocked.
Many of the military police who patrol the building have reported hearing someone or something walking around inside.
Iwakuni- Barracks 1687, Room 301
A few years ago, a Marine living in that room committed suicide. He broke the mirror in a fit of drunken rage and slit his wrist with one of the shards of broken glass.
Since then, there have been reports from other soldiers staying in the room that sometimes very late at night when looking into the mirror, the dead marine stares back from somewhere deep inside.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
It should come as no surprise that these two sites of such terrible tragedy are haunted by the unfortunate souls who perished during the nuclear bomb attacks at the end of World War II.
Ghostly voices are heard at twilight crying and screaming for help.
Okinawa: Camp Hansen- Gate #3
After darkness falls, every weekend a soldier with blood all over his World War II fatigues and a cigarette in his hand would ask the gate guard: “Gotta light?” The MP would oblige and as soon the cigarette was lit, the soldier would disappear.
Whether you believe this or not, gate #3 at Camp Hansen is closed because of this reported haunting.
Tokyo: Akasaka Mansion
Many guests have reported seeing specters standing at the end of their beds, white mists coming in through the air vents and sudden changes of temperature in their rooms.
Some have reported a feeling of someone stroking their heads while they sleep, and one person claimed she was dragged from her bed to the other side of the room and then back again. Scratch marks on her back the next day corroborated her story.
Yokosuka Naval Base: Gridley Tunnel
It is thought that the ghost of this narrow, one-way tunnel that runs through a hill is that of a Samurai warrior who was on his way to avenge the death of his lord when he was ambushed and cut down in the tunnel. Because he failed in his mission, he can’t leave his place of death.
Visions of the samurai as reported by passing motorists have caused several accidents in the tunnel over the years.
Himuro Mansion: Tokyo Outskirts

The basis of the survival horror video game series that deals with ghosts, exorcism, and dark Shinto rituals, “Fatal Frame,” Himuro Mansion was the site of a brutal family murder and sacrifice.
Many weird happenings have been reported in and near the old mansion; including apparitions of those who once lived there, bloody handprints and sprays of blood, which mysteriously appear on the walls.
Sometimes, a small girl in a kimono is seen in one of the windows. To add to the mansion’s mystery, no one knows the significance of the vast tunnels the run underneath.
Yokohama: Ikego-The Middle Gate
The Middle Gate marks the spot where a concentration camp from the World War II era once stood. Here, thousands of Chinese and Korean people were put to work and then killed by the Japanese army. Today it serves as a U.S. military housing base.
There are five incinerators on the premises and three gates that separate it from the Japanese community. At the middle gate, patrol guards have reported hearing voices and footsteps, and have described the feeling of being watched by unseen eyes.
One recurring vision concerns a Japanese soldier from World War II in a brown uniform with no legs floating between the middle and back gates.
These incidents are part of a much bigger picture, as there are many more haunted spots in Japan. Most but not all date back to the era of World War II.

Located two hours south of Tokyo, Atsugi Naval base has a secret past, which includes the fact that it was a CIA U-2 Base, which housed the U-2 flown over Russia by Gary Powers in the early 1960s. In 1957, Lee Harvey Oswald, the accused assassin of John F. Kennedy, was stationed at Atsugi as a Marine radar operator.
The spirit of a young man who wanders aimlessly from room to room is said to haunt the naval base. It is believed that he is the ghost of a young marine who was killed in a car accident back in the 1960s
Atsugi: The Corrosion Hangar Bay
Located on the other side of the naval base, this hangar stands over an older one that was used by the Kamikaze pilots of Imperial Japan. Here, many pilots killed themselves in disgrace after Japan’s final surrender to the allied powers.
It is said that doors slam and disembodied red eyes float about.
Field Hospital- Kanagawa Prefecture
Located on the military base named Sagami Depot, this hospital has been the site of several unexplainable occurrences.
The building is hardly used, but nightly security checks reveal raised windows and locked doors that had been previously unlocked.
Many of the military police who patrol the building have reported hearing someone or something walking around inside.
Iwakuni- Barracks 1687, Room 301
A few years ago, a Marine living in that room committed suicide. He broke the mirror in a fit of drunken rage and slit his wrist with one of the shards of broken glass.
Since then, there have been reports from other soldiers staying in the room that sometimes very late at night when looking into the mirror, the dead marine stares back from somewhere deep inside.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
It should come as no surprise that these two sites of such terrible tragedy are haunted by the unfortunate souls who perished during the nuclear bomb attacks at the end of World War II.
Ghostly voices are heard at twilight crying and screaming for help.
Okinawa: Camp Hansen- Gate #3
After darkness falls, every weekend a soldier with blood all over his World War II fatigues and a cigarette in his hand would ask the gate guard: “Gotta light?” The MP would oblige and as soon the cigarette was lit, the soldier would disappear.
Whether you believe this or not, gate #3 at Camp Hansen is closed because of this reported haunting.
Tokyo: Akasaka Mansion
Many guests have reported seeing specters standing at the end of their beds, white mists coming in through the air vents and sudden changes of temperature in their rooms.
Some have reported a feeling of someone stroking their heads while they sleep, and one person claimed she was dragged from her bed to the other side of the room and then back again. Scratch marks on her back the next day corroborated her story.
Yokosuka Naval Base: Gridley Tunnel
It is thought that the ghost of this narrow, one-way tunnel that runs through a hill is that of a Samurai warrior who was on his way to avenge the death of his lord when he was ambushed and cut down in the tunnel. Because he failed in his mission, he can’t leave his place of death.
Visions of the samurai as reported by passing motorists have caused several accidents in the tunnel over the years.
Himuro Mansion: Tokyo Outskirts

The basis of the survival horror video game series that deals with ghosts, exorcism, and dark Shinto rituals, “Fatal Frame,” Himuro Mansion was the site of a brutal family murder and sacrifice.
Many weird happenings have been reported in and near the old mansion; including apparitions of those who once lived there, bloody handprints and sprays of blood, which mysteriously appear on the walls.
Sometimes, a small girl in a kimono is seen in one of the windows. To add to the mansion’s mystery, no one knows the significance of the vast tunnels the run underneath.
Yokohama: Ikego-The Middle Gate
The Middle Gate marks the spot where a concentration camp from the World War II era once stood. Here, thousands of Chinese and Korean people were put to work and then killed by the Japanese army. Today it serves as a U.S. military housing base.
There are five incinerators on the premises and three gates that separate it from the Japanese community. At the middle gate, patrol guards have reported hearing voices and footsteps, and have described the feeling of being watched by unseen eyes.
One recurring vision concerns a Japanese soldier from World War II in a brown uniform with no legs floating between the middle and back gates.
These incidents are part of a much bigger picture, as there are many more haunted spots in Japan. Most but not all date back to the era of World War II.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
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